Seeking free rent

Private person - Advertiser: dennisfrancisblewett

60620 Chicago
United States
38 years - Single
United States citizen Prefer not to disclose/discuss
Non-Smoker | No Driver's license | No Allergies
B.S. Neuroscience / Educated in other things | Self-employed

Needs and Preferences:
5 miles
United States
No special wishes
towards the landlord
Requirements on Tenancy:
2024 Aug 13 to 2024 Sep 13 0 $
80 hours -- more or less hours offered
What I can offer:
  1. Household chores, Pets
  2. Bearing company (companionship, errands)
  3. Small repairs, gardening
  4. Child care and private lessons
  5. Cooking
Safe and sound housing with water, heat (when applicable during parts of the year for warmth), and electric.
Seeking month-to-month lease.
Item No. 840 - Report entry